Square Root of 20 in Simplest Radical Form

The square root of 20 in simplest radical form is 2√5, and it is written mathematically as follows: √20=2√5. In this post, we will learn how to find the square of root 20 in simplified radical form.

square root of 20 in simplest radical form

How to Simplify Root 20

Let us now find the square root of 20 in its simplest radical form. The easiest way to do that is to factorize the number 20. We will follow below steps.

Step 1:

First, we factorize the number 20. As 20 is an even number, it will be divisible by 2 and we can write

20 = 2 × 10 …(I)

The factorization of 10 is given by

10 = 2 × 5 …(II)

Combining (I) and (II), we get the prime factorization of 20 and it is given as follows:

20 = 2 × 2 × 5 …(∗)

Step 2:

In the next step, we take square roots on both sides of (∗). This will give us the square root of 20 as follows.

√20 = $\sqrt{2 \times 2 \times 5}$

= $\sqrt{2 \times 2}$ × $\sqrt{5}$, by the rule √ab = √a ×√b

= 2 × √5. Here we have used the surd formula √(a×a) =a

= 2√5.

So 2√5 is the simplified radical form of the square root of 20. In other words,

√20 = 2√5.

Video Solution on How to Simplify Root 20 Simplified:

Have You Read These Square Roots:

Root 8 Simplified: The root 8 simplified is equal to 2√2.

Root 12 Simplified: The root 12 simplified is equal to 2√3.

Root 18 Simplified: The root 18 simplified is equal to 3√2.

Root 27 Simplified: The root 27 simplified is equal to 3√3.

Root 50 Simplified: The root 50 simplified is equal to 5√2.


Q1: What is the lowest radical form of root 20?

Answer: The lowest radical form of the square root of 20 is 2√5.

Q2: What is root 20 in simplified radical form?

Answer: The simplified radical form of square root 20 is equal to 2√5.

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